/manager/Index en-au 5 Examining accelerated ecosystem development in the ecological restoration of mined land /manager/Repository/uon:38336 Wed 13 Mar 2024 13:42:05 AEDT ]]> Rapid population increase of the threatened Australian amphibian Litoria aurea in response to wetlands constructed as a refuge from chytrid-induced disease and introduced fish /manager/Repository/uon:49026 Thu 27 Jul 2023 15:40:16 AEST ]]> A simple design feature to increase hydro-period in constructed ephemeral wetlands to avoid tadpole desiccation-induced mortality /manager/Repository/uon:38371 Thu 20 Jul 2023 15:59:39 AEST ]]> Wetland restoration for the threatened green and golden bell frog (litoria aurea): development of a breeding habitat designed to passively manage chytrid-induced amphibian disease and exotic fish /manager/Repository/uon:40479 Thu 14 Jul 2022 08:42:35 AEST ]]> Preliminary evidence for a two-for-one deal: wetland restoration for a threatened frog may benefit a threatened bat /manager/Repository/uon:38566 Thu 04 Nov 2021 13:30:07 AEDT ]]> Comparison of plants with C3 and C4 carbon fixation pathways for remediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contaminated soils /manager/Repository/uon:44119 A. cepa cyto- and genotoxicity assay which should be considered as an integral part of all remediation experiments.]]> Fri 07 Oct 2022 14:26:39 AEDT ]]>